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Òåìà: Akai ïèøåò... î áîëüøèõ äèñïëåÿõ è î áàòàðåéêàõ
Âðåìÿ: 25.05.2012 04:30 

"Extra-Large Screens for your MPC1000/2500

Yep, available very soon are user-installable extra large LCD screens for the MPC1000 and MPC2500! These double height screens will run a modified JJOS (developed by JJ with MPC Stuff) that allows more functionality on each screen, as well are more real estate for the likes of GRID EDIT. Seriously, this is game changing stuff and just shows how far we can push these little machines with well thought out third party add ons.

You can read more about them at the new MPC Customisation & DIY Projects sub forum at
Also at the new forum, check out the mobile MPC1000 topic,
where someone is currently developing an internal battery pack for the 1000!"
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