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Çàäàòü íîâóþ òåìó
Òåìà: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 10:11 

Ïðåäëàãàþ äåòàëüíî ðàññìîòðåòü ýòè äâà äåâàéñà è âûÿâèòü ÿâíîãî ôàâîðèòà.

Ñïåöèôèêàöèÿ Hammond SK1

The Hammond SK1 61 Key Organ Keyboard is the first ‘Ultra-Portable’ organ in its history, weighing in at just 15 pounds, and the first Hammond portable to feature a wide range of Extra Voices. The ‘Drawbar’ section is a complete Hammond Organ with all the traditional features: Real Mechanical Drawbars, Chorus Vibrato, Touch-Response Percussion, and the most authentic Digital Leslie we have ever offered.

The Hammond SK1 Organ has Acoustic and Electric Pianos, Clavs, Accordions, Vintage String Synth, Wind Instruments and Tuned Percussion round out the specification.

Hammond SK1 61 Key Organ Keyboard Specifications

Sound Generator
Organ Section:
2 - VASE III as Digital Tone-wheels, Transistor Organ and Pipe Organ
61 polyphony (for manual, except Pipe Organ)
8 polyphony (for pedal, except Pipe Organ)
63 polyphony (maximum, on Pipe Organ)
Extra Voice Section: VASE III, 63 polyphony (maximum)
Keyboards: 2 x C1 to C6 61-key
Harmonic Drawbars
Drawbars: 9 Pitches, assignable for Upper, Pedal, Lower
Manuals: 6 choices (B-Type1, B-Type2, Mellow, Vx, Farf, Pipe), valiable key-click,
Pedal: 4 choices (Normal, Muted, Synth1, Synth2), 5 choices key-click
Touch Response Percussion
Buttons: Second Harmonic, Third Harmonic, Fast Decay, Volume Soft
Adjustable: Touch, Velocity, Decay (Fast, Slow), Level (Normal, Soft)
Extra Voice
Instruments: 6 Groups (A. Piano, E. Piano, Keyboard, Wind, Other, Library)
Upgradable via Library
Control: Allocate Upper/Lower, Solo, Group
Vibrato and Chorus
Digital Scanner
Buttons: 1, 2, Chorus, Upper On, Lower On
Digital, 4 programs
Control: On, Amount
Multi Effects: 8 programs for Organ/Extra Voice individually
Control: On, Amount
for Organ: Bass, Mid (sweep), Treble, Tone
for Extra Voice: Bass, Mid (sweep), Treble
Internal Leslie:
Advanced Digital, 2 Rotors
Buttons: Bypass, Stop, Fast
Digital, 11 programs
Control: On, Depth
Master Equalizer: Control: Bass, Mid Gain, Mid Frequency, Treble
Buttons: Octave Up, Octave Down, Lower, Transpose
Adjustable: Coupler Highest note, Split Point
Capacity: 100 User Patches, 100 Preset Patches, Manual
Favorites: 10 buttons
Patch Load Options: Drawbar Registration, Drawbar Parameters, Extra Voice, Internal Zone, External Zone, Organ Effects, Exv Effects, Reverb
Volumes: Master Volume, Music Volume, Extra Voice Volume
Switch: Power On/Off
Music Player
File Format: WAV (44.1kHz, 16bit, Stereo), MP3 (44.1kHz, 128kbps, Stereo)
Control: Song, Play/Pause
Storage: USB Flash Drive
Display: 20 - Characters, 2 - Lines, 8 Control Buttons and Value knob
Templates: 9 Templates
External Zones: 3 Zones, assignable any keyboards
MIDI: In, Out
Audio: Line Out L, R, Headphones
Leslie: 8 - pin, 1 and 3 channels available
Other: Foot Switch, Damper Pedal, Exp. Pedal, DC IN (12V)
Accessory: AC Adaptor AD3-1250
Dimensions (WxDxH): 37 1/4 x 17 7/8 x 6 3/4 inches
Weight: 35 1/4 lb
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 10:14 

Ñïåöèôèêàöèÿ Nord Electra 5d

Nord Electro 5D 61: 61-key (5 octaves, C-C) Velocity sensitive Semi Weighted Waterfall keyboard
Nord Electro 5D 73: 73-key (6 octaves, E-E) Velocity sensitive Semi Weighted Waterfall keyboard
Nord Electro 5 HP: 73-key (6 octaves, E-E) Velocity sensitive Hammer Action Portable keyboard

1 GB memory dedicated to the Nord Piano Library
The Piano Section has 6 categories - Grand, Upright, EPiano 1 (tine), EPiano 2 (reed) Clavinet and Harpsichord.
Each category can contain several different models.
All pianos can be replaced using the Nord Sound Manager application
Advanced String Resonance-control (Gen 2)
Long Release
4 Dynamic Curves
Stereo pianos and samples can be played back in mono
40-60 Voices polyphony for Piano Library sounds.

256 MB memory dedicated to the Nord Sample Library
All samples can be replaced using the Nord Sound Manager application
The Sample Synth section comes shipped with a selection of one hundred samples from the Nord Sample Library
Attack and Decay/Release control
Dynamics control (Filter/Velocity)
15 Voice polyphony for Sample Library sounds.

User adjustable percussion levels, percussion decays and key click level
Vibrato / Chorus Control with separate functionality for each model (the classic C1, C2, C3, V1, V2, V3 options for the B3, Vibrato for the Farfisa)
4 Tonewheel modes: select the level of "vintage" desired
MIDI Split: By connecting an extra MIDI keyboard the Nord Electro 5 can be used as a dual manual (Lower/Upper) organ with different drawbar settings for each manual
Mount for Half-Moon Switch on Electro 5D 61/73
Nord Electro 5D 61/73: 9 physical drawbars
Nord Electro 5 HP: Digital LED drawbars

All effects in Stereo
Effect 1: Pan, Tremolo, Wah and Ring Modulator
Three selectable depths for the Pan and Tremolo, rate controlled with the Effect 1 Rate knob
Tremolo, Pan, Ring-Mod and Wah can be controlled with Control Pedal
Effect 2: Phaser 1, Phaser 2, Flanger, Chorus 1, Chorus 2 and Vibe
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 10:21 

Nord Electro 5d íà 350-400 åâðî äîðîæå ÷åì Hammond SK1. Íî â Electro âñå ãîðàçäî ëó÷øå îáñòîèò ñ íå Hammond-êèìè çâóêàìè. 1G ïîä ñåêöèþ Piano è 256Ì ïîä Sample section ïîçâîëÿò çàãðóçèòü áîëüøîé îáúåì ñýìïëîâ èç ôèðìåííîé áèáëèîòåêè Nord. Ñ ïîìîùüþ Nord Sample Editor ìîæíî ñîçäàâàòü ñâîè ñîáñòâåííûå ñýìïëû. Êàêîé èç èíñòðóìåíòîâ ïîçâîëÿåò äîáèòüñÿ áîëåå àóòåíòè÷íîãî çâó÷àíèÿ Hammond - îòêðûòûé âîïðîñ.
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 10:50 

íàäî áûëî ãîëîñîâàëêó ñâåðõó ïðèëåïèòü
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 11:58 
New Wasjuki

>Êàêîé èç èíñòðóìåíòîâ ïîçâîëÿåò äîáèòüñÿ áîëåå àóòåíòè÷íîãî çâó÷àíèÿ Hammond
êàê íè ïàðàäîêñàëüíî, íî ýìóëÿöèÿ õàììîíäà â õàììîíäå-ñóçóêè (ñîððè çà òàâòîëîãèþ) óñòóïàåò ýìóëÿöèè õàììîíäà â íîðäå....êàê íè ñòðàííî :crazy:
íî îáà çâó÷àò õîðîøî
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 18:34 
ãîðîä îðóæåéíèêîâ
õðþêàþùèé ìîíñòð

>Êàêîé èç èíñòðóìåíòîâ ïîçâîëÿåò äîáèòüñÿ áîëåå àóòåíòè÷íîãî çâó÷àíèÿ Hammond
îáà :4:
>íî îáà çâó÷àò õîðîøî :idea2:
" Ïàðàíîèê - ýòî òîò, êòî íåìíîãî ðàçáèðàåòñÿ â òîì, ÷òî ïðîèñõîäèò âîêðóã, à ïñèõ - ýòî òîò, êòî òîëüêî ÷òî îêîí÷àòåëüíî âî âñåì ðàçîáðàëñÿ." (ñ) Óèëüÿì Áåððîóç
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 20:08 

Yamaha MODX6. Yamaha mx49

ïî ìîåìó sk 1 íå íîâàÿ ìîäåëü, ïîýòîìó ëîãè÷íåé ñðàâíèâàòü ñ nord electro 3, íàïðèìåð. Âåäü â electro 5 åñòü ðàçäåëåíèå/íàëîæåíèå, ïîýòîìó òóò ôàâîðèò î÷åâèäåí. à âîîáùå ìíå íîðä áîëüøå íðàâèòñÿ
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 20:11 

Yamaha MODX6. Yamaha mx49

èëè â sk 1 åñòü split/layer?
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 03.03.2015 20:42 
New Wasjuki

>èëè â sk 1 åñòü split/layer?
íî íåò ïðîãè äëÿ ñâîèõ ñåìïëîâ....òîëüêî ôàáðè÷íûå :crazy:
Òåìà: Re: hammond sk1 vs nord electro 5d
Âðåìÿ: 04.03.2015 09:44 

 Electro 5d áîëüøå âîçìîæíîñòåé äëÿ split/layer: Organ/Piano, Piano/Sample Synth or Sample Synth/Organ
 Hammond SK - Hammond/Extra voice
 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!