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Âñå ñòðàíèöû:

1 2 Ïîñìîòðåòü âñþ òåìó
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 10:06 

>Äàæå íå 39, à 49 ðóáëåé ñòîèò âûïóñòèòü êàðòî÷êó, ó÷èòûâàÿ, ÷òî ÿ õî÷ó êóïèòü ïðîãðàììó çà 99 öåíòîâ - ýòî âàùå èäèîòèçì.

íå ðàáîòàë èíòåðíåò ìåãàôîí-ìîäåìíûé. ñìîòðþ áàëàñ - 0.5ð. Çâîíþ óçíàâàòü ÷î äà êàê. ñêàçàëè-ïîïîëíèòå ñ÷åò ÷òî áû îí áûë ïîëîæèòåëüíûì. ïîëîæèë 1 ðóáëü. êîìèñèÿ 5ð.

òàê ÷òî ñìûñëà òóò ìàëî...
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 13:00 

Ñóòü â òîì ÷òî ìîÿ Àëüôà åùå ìåñÿö íàçàä ïîêóïàëà â àéòþíñå, à òåïåðü íå ïîêóïàåò. Ê ïàéïàëó òàê è íå ïðèâÿçàëàñü. Åñëè ÿ âàì ïåðåïèñêó ïîêàæó âû åå äàæå ÷èòàòü íå áóäåòå. Àëüôà âàïùå ðóêàìè ðàçâîäèò ìîë íè÷åãî íå ïîíèìàåì. Ïî îáúÿâëåíèþ íàáðàëè èõ òàì. Ïèïåö êîðî÷å!

Dear Anton Lenkov,

Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding the credit card you have tried
to verify. It is my pleasure to take this opportunity to assist you

Mr.Lenkov, firstly, I would like to thank you for attempting to verify
your credit card ending 5678. When you click on 'Unverified- Get
Verified' link you authorize PayPal to charge you a small fee of $1.95
USD so that the 4 digit PayPal code gets send to your credit card

I have reviewed your account and can see that the payment of $1.95 USD
has been refused by your card issuer.

The only information that we receive is that your card provider has
declined the usage of this card with PayPal.

Here are some common reasons why a card issuer would decline a payment:

• There could be a limit on your credit card that has been exceeded.
• It's possible that the card issuer could be temporarily unavailable to
answer the authorisation request we sent.
• Your credit card company could be blocking this transaction for
security reasons as it doesn't fit your regular spending patterns.

I'd encourage you to contact your credit card company and speak to
someone who deals with online transactions to find out why this payment
was denied. You may be able to complete this payment after you have
spoken to your card issuer and resolved the issue. Alternatively you can
add another credit card to your PayPal account, if you have one

I understand your frustration regarding this matter and regret any
inconvenience this might have caused.



Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory- PayPal Pte. Ltd., the holder of PayPal’s stored value
facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of
Singapore. Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

Original Message Follows:
Form Message
customer subject: Cannot link and verify my debit card. Moscow. Russia.
customer message: Additional Information: 'I cannot link my debit card
and verify it to use with paypal.
I've checked all information, tried to re-register the card but there's
still the same problem while linking it.
I'm told that the linking cannot be finished due to wrong information
My email is
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 13:01 

Dear Anton Lenkov,

Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding issue with your card ending
5678 verification process.

I have reviewed your account Mr. Lenkov, and as you were previously
informed by Dzeneta, the payment of $1.95 USD, which is part of
verification process, has been refused by your card issuer.

Here are some common reasons why a card issuer would decline a payment:

• There could be a limit on your credit card that has been exceeded.
• It's possible that the card issuer could be temporarily unavailable to
answer the authorisation request we sent.
• Your credit card company could be blocking this transaction for
security reasons as it doesn't fit your regular spending patterns.

I would recommend you to contact your credit card company and speak to
online transactions department to find out why this payment was denied.
You may be able to complete this payment after you have spoken to your
card issuer and resolved the issue. Alternatively you can add another
credit card to your PayPal account, if you have one available.

I understand your frustration regarding this matter and regret any
inconvenience this might have caused.


Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory- PayPal Pte. Ltd., the holder of PayPal’s stored value
facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of
Singapore. Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

Original Message Follows:
Form Message
customer subject: Debit card, verifying
customer message: Have you received your PayPal Expanded Use Number?:
Last # digits of your credit card number: '####'
Transaction ID: ''
Additional Information: 'I talked with Dzeneta by email about my
problem, and send mail to>
but I don't get answer. If it is automatically form, please, could you
give me a private email, cause it will be difficult to quote all mail
every time.
My email -'
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 13:01 

Dear Anton Lenkov,

Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding the credit card issue.

M. Lenkov, please be advised that we have received many contacts
regarding this issue. We know that for sure Russian banks have started
using additional security checks. Changes in the financial sector now
require PayPal to provide the CVC or CVV2 code in order to get
authorization from your bank to complete the payment for every
individual transaction. To date we have had in place an agreement with
European banks ensuring we do not need to send the security code each
time. We are in contact with your Local Financial Authorities and we are
continuously in talks to rectify the issue that has arisen due to
changes in security precautions with your card issuer.
Please be advised that to be able send money with your card you should
contact your bank and ask them to disable CVV2 protection to allow you
to use card within PayPal system.

We are working around the clock to rectify this issue with the local
financial authorities. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience
caused at this time in regards to your payments being denied by your
card issuer.

If you have any further questions or queries at this time in relation to
this issue once again or in regards to another query, please do not
hesitate to contact PayPal once again for further assistance.

Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved.

PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.
Société en Commandite par Actions
Registered Office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg
RCS Luxembourg B 118 349

Original Message Follows:
Form Message
customer subject: Card veryfing
customer message: Have you received your PayPal Expanded Use Number?:
Last # digits of your credit card number: '####'
Transaction ID: 'lenkovanton'
Additional Information: 'My mail is

I CONTACTED with my card issuer and them said that problem is in your
website. CSC code don't come from your website, and they can't verify
your request. Please, check my problem.
What do I need to do for the quick answering and quick reaction, not
robot, I need a human to answer my questions and decide this problem.'
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 13:02 

Èç ýòîé ïåðåïèñêè ïîíÿòíî ÷òî ÑÀÁÆ!
Àëüôà íà âñå ýòî ñêàçàëà "Íó íåçíàåì, âûïóñòèòå âèðòóàëüíóþ êàðòó". Âîò, Ñåðåãà âûïóñòèë. Ðàèñå âïåðäå êàðî÷!
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 13:59 

>Dear Anton Lenkov
Ðóññêèé ÷åëîâåê ðàäè "Õ...é çíàåò çà÷åì" ñïîñîáåí íà íåâåðîÿòíûå ïîäâèãè!
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 14:20 

óõ, çëîé ó Ëåíêîâà èíãëåøü :-)))
Things you own, own you
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 24.11.2010 15:42 

Òàì â îñíîâíîì ãèòàðèñò çà ìåíÿ ïèñàë â àåðîïîðòàõ! Íî äà, èíãëèø àäñêåé!
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 25.11.2010 21:07 

à íàäî â ñáåðå êàðòî÷êè äåëàòü, ó ìåíÿ îáå ê ïàéïàë ïðèâÿçàíû è ÇÅÐÎ ïðîáëåì, è ïîêóïêè âîò â ýòîì ìàãàçå - îòìåííûå
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 28.11.2010 12:54 

Áóäó äåëàòü ñåáå ñáåð, îí òîæå ñ àýðîôëîòáîíóñîì çàâÿçàí ;)

Ïîçàâ÷åðà â Ñàìàðå çàøåë â ýïï-ñòîð è êóïèë ïðîãó áåç ïðîáëåì âîîáùå (ñ àëüôàáàíêîâñêîé êàðòû), ïðèåõàë â Ìîñêâó - îïÿòü íå ïðîäàåò íèôèãà, ÷î çà ïàðàäîêñ âàùå?
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 28.11.2010 18:24 
Ìîñêâà, Æóëåáèíî
Gretsch, Premier, Sabian, Ahead, Gibraltar

ß âîò ñ Àýðîôëîòîâñêîé êàðòû ïëà÷ó çà áåíçèí.. æàëü ÷òî íå òàê äàâíî äîãàäàëñÿ, à òàê áû óæå ìèëÿìè îáêîïèëñÿ áû
...èñòèí êàê ìèíèìóì âñåãäà äâå... (ñ)
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 30.11.2010 21:30 

íàôåê òåáå ìèëè, åñëè èõ è òàê òâîé ðàáîòîäàòåëü îïëà÷èâàåò?
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 30.11.2010 23:55 

À ÷î, óäîáíî! Ëåòàåøü ïî ðàáîòå, êîïèøü ìèëè, à ïîòîì â îòïóñê íà øàðó :)
Òåìà: Re: Àëüôà-Áàíê Ï è ä î ð û
Âðåìÿ: 01.12.2010 03:31 

>À ÷î, óäîáíî! Ëåòàåøü ïî ðàáîòå, êîïèøü ìèëè, à ïîòîì â îòïóñê íà øàðó
- ðåàëüíî êë¸âî!
Ãäå ãëóïîñòü - îáðàçåö, òàì ðàçóì - áåçóìèå.
Êðèòèêà äîëæíà áûòü êîíñòðóêòèâíîé. Îñêîðáëåíèÿ äîëæíû áûòü àðãóìåíòèðîâàíû. Òû äóðàê,ïîòîìó ÷òî òû äåáèë, íàïðèìåð.
 ýòîò ôîðóì ìîãóò ïèñàòü òîëüêî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëüçîâàòåëè!